IV-Судьбы солдатские > 06а-ПОИСК сведений об узниках нацистских лагерей

Поиск через МККК - Международный Комитет Красного Креста в Швейцарии

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Обращаюсь к администрации форума с просьбой о прикреплении данной темы, поскольку запрос в Швейцарский Красный Крест может оказаться полезным тем, кто ищет своих родных, погибших в плену. Особенно это относится к поиску военнопленных, работавших на немецких предприятиях, фирмах, шахтах и т.д..

budash Sergei Leonidovich:
Ссылку нужно подправить..

Здравствуйте, Сергей Леонидович.

Проверила, действительно ссылка перестала работать. Неделю назад было все в порядке, и именно по этой ссылке находилась онлайн-анкета, которую я заполнила и отослала. Отправила письмо на сайт с просьбой прояснить ситуацию.

Геннадий Кушелев:
Они просто удалили свой е-mail
Оставили телефон и факс.
Наверно, русские "достали" уже запросами.

Нет, там была информация о службе поиска и анкета для заполнения. У меня сохранилась копия, присланная Юрием Перекотеевым:

Seeking information on an individual affected by a twentieth-century conflict

Research conducted free of charge:

Except for the First World War, research is carried out free of charge when it has been requested by the individual concerned himself/herself or by his/her next of kin (brother, sister, wife, husband, father, mother, children, grand-children).

Paid research:

In all cases other than the above, a fee of 100 Swiss francs is charged per research. When your case is dealt with you will receive an e-mail setting out the procedure for payment.
For information regarding someone in connection with a recent or current conflict, consult our FamilyLinks website if you are looking for a member of your family with whom you have lost contact, get in touch with the Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in your country.

If you are seeking information about a person who was held as a prisoner of war or civilian internee in connection with a conflict in the twentieth century, the ICRC's Archives may be able to furnish you with information in its possession, subject to the rules governing access to that information. To apply for access, please fill out the questionnaire below.

Time needed for reply
The ICRC Archives will reply to your request between 6 and 12 months. There will be no exchange of correspondence in the meantime except possibly regarding the means of payment (see text box). The information you receive will be in the form of an attestation containing all data known to the ICRC about the person concerned.


    * Since the 15th October 2009, all genealogical and individual inquiries relating to the First World War are submitted to a fee of 200.- Swiss Francs per prisoner and/or internee.
    * For conflicts that ended after 1965, only the individuals concerned or their next of kin are entitled to information.

* Required fields
Person about whom you are seeking information
Title :*      MrsMr
First name:*      
Date of birth :*      
Place of birth :*      
Nationality :*      
Date of death :    
Known place(s) of residence and dates:    
Complete name of father:    
Complete maiden name of mother:    
For married women, name of husband:    
For married men, name of wife:    
Service number:    
Date of capture:    
Place of capture:    
Prisoner number:    
Date of release (and repatriation):    
Other information:    
Title :*      MrsMr
First name:*      
Street, number:*      
Postal code:*      
Country / territory: *      
Telephone number:    
E-mail address:*      
The person concerned by this research is my*      
Purpose of the research:*      
I guarantee that the information I have given about my family ties with the person concerned by this research is authentic. I undertake to furnish proof if so requested by the ICRC's Archives.*
The ICRC files and records available for consultation contain personal, medical, legal, professional and other details which merit a degree of protection. As an enquirer or a researcher, I have taken note that I must be particularly careful to respect the privacy of the individuals to whom those documents refer.

I am aware that any public disclosure of information that could harm a person's reputation or constitute an invasion of privacy is in breach of Article 28 of the Swiss Civil Code.

If involved in such disclosure, I may be prosecuted by the injured party or his or her legal representatives. I will be held personally responsible for any violation of the above rules.

The ICRC is committed to protecting your online privacy policy

А электронные почты остались, никто их не удалил:



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